Cons: the WinPE.wim/ WinRE.wim balloons from ~320MB to ~1.5GB+ and the larger the WIM, the longer it takes to boot it, as all data within the WIM has to be mounted to a virtual partition.Create one using WinPESE, which creates a normal Windows GUI within WinPE:.Recommended over customizing an existing custom WIM, as it's more storage efficient and doesn't add a significant amount of time to customization.Microsoft Docs, with two routes for customizing a WinPE.wim/ WinRE.wim: Where can I find information on modifying a WinPE.wim and rebuilding it? Setup boots to Windows: specialize, auditSystem, auditUser, oobeSystem.WinPE-Setup is required for Windows Setup, which has seven configuration passes:.No, as WinPE is a self-contained boot WIM containing WinPE OCs : Is this as simple as adding a desktop shortcut to folders containing the setup/install file?